The Rate Debate
What do you get when you throw a 36-year-fixed-income veteran into the room with a 26-year-old fixed-income millennial? The Rate Debate.
Darren Langer and Jess Ren are seasoned fixed income specialists with a deep passion for bond markets and an opinion on just about everything. And while they may sit facing each other at work, they don’t always see eye-to-eye.
Tune-in each month to hear their take on the RBA’s interest rate decision and other macro matters influencing markets.
The Rate Debate
Ep 43: What’s driving higher bond yields?
September was a tough month for the fixed-rate bond market, but on the flip side, credit spreads narrowed. In this month’s episode of The Rate Debate, Darren is joined by senior credit portfolio manager Phil Strano to give their insights and discuss the impact of a default cycle as quantitative easing ends, and monetary policy starts to normalise.